HomeWelcome to the CompleteSoftmodGuide (aka CompleteSG, CSG). This guide will explain to you step by step how to softmod/hack/'jailbreak'/'unlock' your Wii for FREE! The guide works on ALL system menu versions up to 4.3: Anything from 2.0 to 4.3 and regions U, E, J and K (for most parts). People who have a Wii with the 1.0 system menu version (which has no version number in the settings) need to update to a higher version.
If you need more help softmodding your Wii, please visit one of the many forums dedicated to the subject.
Due to lack of time, we do not currently offer support ourselves.
The writers of this guide and the creators of the used software can not be held responsible for damage done to your Wii or Wii U console. By using this guide, you agree that it is on your own risk. Or immediately start with the Hacking process with the Hacking Guide.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. |

Jul 19, 2016 SD cards above 8gig need to be of the 'SDHC' type to work on Wii. However, if you stay below 2gig, i strongly recommend you to use a simple SD type card.
Wii 4.3 E Hack Pack Download
- Sep 17, 2017 The 20XX Melee Training Hack Pack 4.07. You can try to generate it on your wii with configurable usb loader as i described in a previous post. It would probably be best if you figured it out on your end so you can turn codes on and off at will as opposed to being stuck with the one configuration you request at this time.
- Buenas tardes a todos, estaba desbloqueando mi wii y resulta que al bajar el archivo 'Hack Pack 4.3Shadow29091.rar' que se encontraba en los servidores de megaupload, me di con la sorpresa que justo este archivo lo descargo con errores, trate de bajarlo nuevamente pero lamentablemente los gringos ya habian metido manno, favor ruego si alguien tiene este archivo me lo pueda enviar o subirlo.