Game information
The only site completely dedicated to bringing you everything on KKND2 Krossfire. KKND: Krush Kill 'n Destroy Xtreme (aka KKND Xtreme), a really nice strategy game sold in 1997 for Windows, is available and ready to be played again! Time to play a post-apocalyptic, real-time, sci-fi / futuristic and war video game title. NOTE: This game had been re-released under Windows as KKnD Xtreme. The Windows demo includes both original demo missions plus two more levels from the add-on. is the official Windows desktop theme and is a set of desktop wallpapers. Krush Kill N Destroy Free Download and Install Win10 2017. Krush Kill N Destroy Free (Download & Install Guide) Below are the step for installing a free copy of KKND. Download the ISO. Identifier KKND2KROSSFIRE Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t2z368c2j Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 Pages 26 Ppi 600 Scanner Internet Archive Python library 0.9.1. NOTE: This game had been re-released under Windows as KKnD Xtreme. The Windows demo includes both original demo missions plus two more levels from the add-on. is the official Windows desktop theme and is a set of desktop wallpapers.
Download KKND2: Krossfire from our website for free. The program lies within Games, more precisely Strategy. Kknd2.exe and Kknd2.exe-badnews.exe are the most common filenames for this program's installer. Our antivirus check shows that this download is safe. This software was originally designed by Beam Software.
Developer: | |
Publishers: | |
Category: | Real-Time Strategy |
Year: | 1997 |
More details: | MobyGames Wikipedia |
Game added by: | MrFlibble |
Violence: | This game includes violence |
Part of group: | |
DOSBox: | Supported (show details) |
Download from this site
File | File type | File size |
---|---|---| includes installer executable: kknd.exe | Playable demo MS-DOS | 5,578 kB (5.45 MB) | includes installer executable: kknd.exe | Playable demo MS-DOS | 5,449 kB (5.32 MB) | includes installer executable: kknd_xt.exe | Playable demo Windows | 7,553 kB (7.38 MB) | | Extra Windows | 545 kB (0.53 MB) | | Extra Windows | 677 kB (0.66 MB) |
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You can download the full version of KKnD: Krush, Kill N Destroy from the download store listed below.
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Game title | Download site |
Krush Kill 'n Destroy Xtreme | |
There are two separate demo versions for the Evolved and the Survivors, each including one mission.
NOTE: This game had been re-released under Windows as KKnD Xtreme. The Windows demo includes both original demo missions plus two more levels from the add-on. is the official Windows desktop theme and is a set of desktop wallpapers.
Description (by Electronic Arts)
Finally, a formidable computer opponent to challenge the smartest cagey old vet. Battle an AI that probes your defenses, retreats, sets ambushes, and even attacks from multiple fronts. Add units that gain experience through combat, improving their damage potential and accuracy, and eventually the ability to heal themselves. Then place them in the most immersive terrain available, with hi-resolution , 3D rendered landscapes where you can drive under bridges for cover or up onto mesas for higher ground. Now you have a recipe to make any PC commander drool - welcome to the world of KRUSH, KILL 'N DESTROY!

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KKND2 Krossfire Overview

KKND2 Krossfire Free Download for PC is the sequel to KKnD in the KKnD series, released on October 31, 1998 for Microsoft Windows. It was released on PlayStation in 1999 as KKnD: Krossfire. It is set 2179, 100 years after the World Nuclear War. After spending another 4 decades underground, hiding from the first loss against the Evolved, the Survivors rose up to a new enemy: the Series 9. The Series 9 robots are machines that have advanced from their farming origins (having the original programming damaged by the nuclear radiation) and taken up arms against the humans, Evolved and Survivor, who destroyed their precious crops, their one and only reason for functioning.
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Gameplay takes place after a world wide nuclear war, on three map-types over land and water: a barren desert terrain, forest areas, or urban jungles. All three areas provide artifacts from the nuclear war, namely decrepit buildings and polluted water. Like other real time strategy games such as the Command and Conquer or Starcraft franchises, the primary objective of the game is to eradicate all other factions on a particular playing map. This is done usually through resource management—oil reserves acting as a power source—and maintaining a base of operations while trying to destroy everything else. Fortifications and turrets can be used to protect a base, as well as making use of natural features such as cliffs or buildings. Unlike in KKnD, now each faction has buildings that can provide little more resource units at constant rate, helping to gather resources, should there be a shortage of oil or if all oil runs out. There are two methods of gameplay: a campaign mode and a multiplayer mode. The campaign mode allows you to play one of three factions, fighting through a triangle-shaped map in order to eradicate all other enemies. Occasionally there can be multiple factions. Multiplayer mode allows for connection through LAN (IPX or TCP/IP), serial cable or modem, or a soloplay mode where one can choose between a variety of maps and settings to play a practice game against one or more AI opponents. KKND2 Krossfire download free. full Version.